MRU Vario Luxx Syngas
MRU Vario Luxx Syngas

MRU Vario Luxx Syngas

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Regular price$11,423.00


Suitable for semi - continuous measurement of syngas from coke ovens, blast furnaces, biomass, coal catalytic oxidation, waste- or plasmagasification processes, steam reforming of liquid hydrocarbons (refinery gas, etc.).

With VARIOluxx, the simultaneous analysis of up to 5 syngas components is possible:
We offer you these special advantages:
- Integrated electrical gas cooler (Peltier) and automatic condensate draining pump
- Strong sample gas pump and externally accessible particulate Teflon filter
- Automatic zeroing by means of 3-way solenoid valve, user programmable
- Internal sample flow monitoring with display and alarm
- Use of long-life EC cell for O2, NDIR for CO/CO2/CH4 and TCD for H2 measurement
- Linux OS and large back-lit 840x480 px color display, with touch and swipe
- Lithium-ion battery operation, including gas cooler and measurement techno

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